Search Results
3D obstacle avoidance and path planning for unmanned underwater vehicles using elastic bands
Obstacle avoidance by Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
SUNFISH® AUV Demonstrates Six-Degree-of-Freedom Control, Docking, and Obstacle Avoidance
SM300: Obstacle Detection and Avoidance
SUNFISH® AUV Demonstrates Six Degree of Freedom Control, Docking, and Obstacle Avoidance
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Path Planning Method of Soft Actor
Risk Vector-based Near miss Obstacle Avoidance for Autonomous Surface Vehicles
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Planning Demonstration
Testing NMPC-CBF for Autonomous underwater vehicle
Path following with an autonomous underwater vehicle using Bayesian Learning and fuzzy logic
Autonomous Underwater Vehicle for the RoboSub Competition of Summer 2021 - Team RUMarino
Autonomous underwater Vehicle (AUV)